About Me

A former HGV Driver turned IT guy with a wide variety of interests and experience. I follow the mantra of trying new things to enrich not only myself, but others around me. A Keen observational writer, I like writing about things that I have observed over the years and enjoy sharing those observations with the world via blog posts or just in conversation.

IT Apprentice

I’m currently an IT apprentice with a small independant software company. Slowly gaining experience and learning new skills to enrich myself and invest in my future. I plan to have a long and fulfilling career in IT. Read More.

Former HGV Driver

Before I joined the IT Industry I was a HGV Driver, Mostly doing local multi drop work, but occasionally I did some long distance driving. While driving did allow me a lot of time to contemplate my thoughts while on the road, unfortunately the bad outweighed the good and after 6 years I found that there was no real, sustainable long term career path for me, so I started looking for a new option. Read More.

Sunrise from the HGV Cab


In my spare time, my main hobby is to do voluntary work at a steam railway. Among other things I am the Guard Manager, and a member of the hedging team. I’ve been involved in railway preservation for over 10 years now and found myself being involved with much more than my own railway. Read More.