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Following on from ending my HGV Career I decided to pursue a career in IT. I’d been toying with the idea of a career change since the end of 2020, with Covid and the treatment of drivers during the pandemic playing a huge part of it. IT seemed to be a good career to go into as I’ve always enjoyed working with computers, and build and maintain my own systems at home.
In December 2020 I started a home study course with the intention that I would spend my evenings and weekends studying, then land my first IT job and hopefully be able to hit the ground running and settle in. This didn’t quite go to plan. As soon as I started the course the workload massively picked up at work and I just did not have the time or energy to commit to the training and study course, so it had to be sacrificed. The spark did not go out and I did not give up however.
Following the end of my driving career, I spoke to a careers advisor at the national careers service who suggested I look at apprenticeships. I thought at this point that I would have been too old but it turns out that there are no age restrictions on modern apprenticeships. After much research, many applications and a few phone interviews I was made an offer at a small, specialist software company not too far away from home.
The apprenticeship started in January 2023 and runs until July 2024, and will turn this former lorry driver into a fully qualified IT technician with two distinct qualifications. These are:
Following on from the apprenticeship I hope to expand on my knowledge and skills gained during the course and enrich my knowledge and experience by doing additional courses and collecting further certificates and qualifications in order to excel in the IT industry through hard work and determination.